About Concept Dynamics

Concept Dynamics has been serving our customers since 1991 with a focus on custom software solutions. Since the beginning we have helped healthcare suppliers track capital hardware purchase agreements with their customers, cross-reference converted customer's purchasing history from competitor materials to their own, and model pricing changes across GPO tiers and IDNs.

As time went on Concept Dynamics helped companies in a variety of vertical markets, from running sales contests for automakers, to engineering a university grant management solution tracking hundreds of millions of dollars per year in private and government funding.

More recently, Concept Dynamics assisted an auto-dealer consulting firm with a software package that cut their man-hours to service each dealer by about 75%. Software can create efficiencies for many repetitive business processes, saving you money while providing your customers a better service.

Our goal is to understand your specific business needs. There is no "one size fits all" solution for some processes, and we will help walk you through the design phase and tailor a solution which will help your company do more with it's capital. We have decades of experience with Microsoft technologies including SQL, ASP.NET, Blazor, WebAPI

- Brendan Sullivan, President